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A wonderfully windy winter and a busy year ahead!

Sorry to everyone, it's been a long time since our last news post...I am going to say it is the result of getting busier and busier teaching so many people from all over the world, and also of course the new addition to our Getwindsurfing team, Ella, born on 01.08.18. As you can see she has already hit the water with us, and is well on the way to instructor level ready to take you all on as her students :)

We can only thank everyone for their support, encouragement and patience with us while we adjust to life as a three, and travelling as a family whilst keeping up with emails, bookings, marketing and of course the all important coaching!

Phil has been non-stop this winter coaching in Bonaire, and what an amazing season!

Our coaching weeks were great, with planing every day for them all. A great mix of abilities, nationalities, girls and guys, everyone had fun & succeeded at new challenges, setting themselves up fantastically for the windsurfing year ahead.

Phil had a great chance to test the new Severne freestyle board and loved it, as well as the great Severne Fox & Dyno which were new in Jibe City to rent.

The wind dropped only about 2 weeks from our 3 month trip to allow us to do some foil training and lessons. I finally learned to foil (after a late start due to pregnancy) and Phil continued to impress everyone with perfect gybes, duck gybes and just super fast smooth flights all the time. For me I found foiling is a fantastic feeling, flying high, silently over the water. Our foil is really fast too so it's very exciting, and learning to gybe again is great fun too.

We had a great time, thank you to everyone involved, we are now already taking bookings for next year in Bonaire. It is truly a fantastic place to be to windsurf and improve your skills during the cold European winter time.

As I write, we are now in Fuerteventura teaching Oxford and Cambridge Universities this week, and a we have a fully booked regular coaching week starting next week. It is great to be back at another good spot for practising and improving skills, some flat water, a tidal lagoon, a mix of wind strengths and some occasional small ramps to jump off for those ready.

Our courses this year are filling up fast, with many weeks full or very limited spaces remaining. With the addition of Maui into our schedule it's certainly a very busy year for us, but with the added challenges of parenthood time is certainly flying by! We will be home on Hayling Island a lot more from July, and really look forward to our UK courses coming up in Weymouth, Northern Ireland and Cornwall too, as well as then the new course we offer in Holland, which was a big success last October! Keep an eye on our courses pages and be sure to get in touch soon to reserve your place before they are all full!

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